Secret to a Flat Tummy

flatbellyabs-main_FullFlat Belly Tip #1

1 Million sit ups wont help you! You see everyone has abs, but the trick is getting rid of the extra fat covering them….SO, the best way to do that is through diet. If you can do a little trick I use, then you will notice a big difference! Here it is.

– Eat your carbs for your breakfast, a small snack, and lunch. Then for dinner stick to just protein and veggies. This is going to help you not store carbs that convert to fat!

Flat Belly Tip #2

The second most important thing you need to do in order to achieve a nice flat belly is cardio.
Now, just getting on a treadmill or elliptical isn’t going to cut it. You are going to have to really bust your butt to burn as many calories as possible! Here is another thing I do to help my clients and myself out!

– Walk for 2 minutes, then jog/run/jump rope for 90 seconds, then go back to walking again.

Do that for 30-45 minutes total!

Flat Belly Tip #3

Ok I know I said above that 1 million sit-ups wont help you but, doing a good ab routine is going
to help your muscles develop better and begin to show. So, you do need to do some ab work and
here is a good routine that I think you should try.

– 15 crunches on a swiss ball
– 15 reverse crunches (lay on back, bring knees to chest)
– 45 second plank

Do that 3 times!

Lets Sum It Up!

Ok, you can use these if you wish. They will work and I guarantee results. All you need to have a flat belly is the desire to work hard, eat well, and live a healthy lifestyle. You deserve a great body so go out there and GET TO WORK!!